
Debenhams Scandinavian Hollowfibre Mattress Protector

£17.00 From Debenhams

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SKU: M5037045013486 Category: Product Retailer: Debenhams
Product Brand: Debenhams


With a soft touch fabric cover and soft hollowfibre filling, this Snuggledown Scandinavian Hollowfibre mattress protector provides the perfect combination of simplicity, performance and value for money. With elasticated, easy fit straps making the bed just got a little easier! All of our synthetic protectors are non allergenic, which means there's nothing in them that could cause allergic reactions, which is great for peace of mind and essential of allergy sufferers. Mattress protectors will add an easy to clean extra layer to your mattress: they'll draw away perspiration and protect your mattress from dust mites, dead skin and unsightly stains, so your mattress will stay looking better for longer.


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