With white, what'snot to like. It's ananytime, anywhereoption. Never out of fashion. Our classicbedside cabinets fromthe.
Hallingfordcollection withwide chrome style handlescan be dressed up or down.
3 deep drawers on glide and slide runners are perfect for all your overnighting essentials. Pop in your PJs, earbuds, essential oils, reading material and more. Add a lamp on top and your favouritereading materialand you're away. Night, night. Their understated design means you can really make them your own with a quirky bedside lamp or that novelty alarm clock you've had your eye on. The Hallingford collection has been improved and now benefits from better build quality along with increased stability. Fix up your bedroom with this money-saving package deal. Part of the Hallingford collection. Bedside table:
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